Journal With The Tarot

A self-guided step by step process to begin journaling with the tarot to build self-trust. For the tarot-curious + the over researchers wanting to make Tarot their own.



A workbook into the foundations of tarot for self-trust. Teachings, journal prompts and exercises to get personal with your Tarot deck and use it as a tool for self-care.


Tell me, do you:

  • Find yourself looking at your Tarot deck and not sure how to use it, or how it could help you?

  • Find yourself constantly looking up meanings of cards but never really making sense of it?

  • Feel afraid there are some rules you should be following to get Tarot ‘right’ ?

  • Think of yourself as ‘not witchy ‘, ‘not magical enough’ or ‘not intuitive enough’ to work with the Tarot?

  • Want to be able to pick up your deck and get some answers?

Then this is for you.


Tarot is a tool for all people (especially you)

This is a radical revolution on trusting yourself and taking back Tarot into your own hands


What you’ll get:

  • A lovingly crafted printable PDF workbook that will be your companion to explore Tarot for self-trust. (note: this is a digital download)

  • Within it is a path to follow to creating unique, personal connections to every card that you draw.

  • You will have exercises and journal prompts so that you can explore what the cards are bringing to you and take action from it

  • You will begin to use Tarot in the way that works for you

  • You will see how Tarot can help you in your life and be a lifelong partner in your development


The price is £8


I really, deeply believe in the power of words and writing for the purpose of self-discovery. The words we use are a form of spell-making. They shape our beliefs and our foundations and in using writing + journaling as a tool for self-exploration we can uncover these stories and reshape our thinking.

Adding Tarot to my daily journal routine changed my life, allowing me to access my intuition and my personal inner compass so that I was able to discern what I truly wanted. I want that for you too.

The reason I share this work is because it is my personal practice, and I believe that it is available for every body. I practice with the tarot daily in my own journal and have studied with Lindsay Mack of Tarot for the Wild Soul. I view tarot as a tool for introspection, not for divination. It is a tool for connecting with the present moment.

I believe that journaling with the tarot is one of the most powerful ways to build a relationship with your deck and with your inner wisdom. Journaling with the tarot gives us a chance to practice our connection with our intuition and cut through the overthinking brain.

Through developing a journal practice with your cards I really believe you can uncover your particular meanings of the cards that are sacred to you.

This is not a course to be taught about Tarot meanings, but it is a place to develop your own meanings of your deck and to connect with how your intuition shows up for you through Tarot. It is where you can learn how to read cards without a guide book and let it be a real support for you in your actual day to day life.

And truly, that is where the magic happens.

This is an initiation. Do you want to begin?


    “Choosing to work with Giulia, I’ve gained new perspectives on my relationship to my intuition, imagination and boundaries and what it means to hold space for those things.”



    “Giulia's teaching has all the soft, reflective, patient, and abundant wisdom of an ethereal river. She pulls from the depths of liminal space to traverse the distance between her personal relationship with the cards and yours.“



    “I would say it’s a no-brainer working with Giulia! She is a passionate, sincere guide who is a treasure to work with. This was just the most wonderful way to begin making a connection with Tarot.”



    “Giulia has a unique but incredible accessible approach to tarot that not only deepens your understanding of the cards and practice as a whole but also helps you deepen your relationship with journaling and your own intuition.”



    “Giulia is a truly wise and gentle spirit with one foot firmly in the liminal river of intuitive, ancient wisdom and an outstretched hand clutching a lantern to illuminate your path to its waters.”



Questions you may have

+ Do I need prior Tarot experience?

Not at all! You can be a total beginner. I won’t be teaching the Tarot on a card by card basis, but I will provide a light framework. The point though is to have a space to create your own meanings of the cards and how they correlate to your life. You do not need to know anything about Tarot to begin using it as a potent, magical tool for connecting to yourself.

+ I have never journaled before is this for me?

Absolutely, the prompts within the pages take away the burden of having to think of something to write about and the blank page syndrome. They may also invite you to think further and explore deeper beyond them which I hope creates a curiosity around beginning your own, individually guided journal practice. There are some things that may feel painful or scary to look at, I invite you to trust your own judgement on this. Perhaps you’ll need to work with a therapist or a trusted processor before you feel ready to step into something on the pages. This is all to be taken at your own pace and in a way that feels safe. If things feel scary I invite you to care for yourself on the pages - talk to yourself as if you are a child. Try things like: “I know this is scary, you are so brave, I’ve got you as we explore this, we can stop at any time, but it’s safe here.”

+ I have already been journaling a long time, is this still for me?

If you have been journaling for a long time then these questions will help you explore different facets you may not have looked at yet, or go deeper into areas that you have touched upon here. They are there to invite you to look at things a little differently and inspire you to look at different topics in your journal.

+ I’m a total skeptic but I feel a little drawn to this, is that okay?

If you are feeling a draw to this then yes I fully invite you to say yes to that inkling! My Tarot practice is grounded very much in the reality of our lives. It is about connecting to yourself and the present moment. I don’t believe in using Tarot for divination, instead I think it is a powerful tool for self-trust which is something we all have access to.

+ I am not intuitive/witchy/magical/woo enough for this…

I understand why you may feel this way. I felt exactly the same way too before. I was extremely skeptical of the Tarot as a tool for connecting to my intuition. My view of Tarot is for the present moment. It is a tool to help you connect to what is already inside you. Everyone is intuitive and intuition shows up differently for everyone. This is one way to connect to it, so even if you don’t feel like you are intuitive – I can assure you that you are, it just might not look like you think it is “supposed to” look like. You can read more about my journey with my intuition at this post.

+ How much time do I need to complete this?

This is an entirely self-guided journey, so you can set aside however long you want to complete. Dip in and out as you need, finish it in one sitting, come back to it over many months. It’s important to me that you listen to your intuition on this and follow the rhythms you require. This book, because of the nature of books, is set out in a linear, sequential way. However if you want to skip to a different section, or only read two of the pieces then that is totally fine. Trust that you know the best way to work through this and you will get what you need from it.

+ Is there any support with this?

I am available over email for technical difficulties in receiving it or downloading it, and I offer a complimentary 30-minute chat to ask any questions you may have but otherwise this is a self-guided journey which means you can dip in and out as you want and take it entirely at your own pace. If you want a more personalised, supported experience I offer 1:1 services.


Explore Journal with the Tarot