in the dark of night there is a light to guide you

this is a soul journey for identifying where you are right now, clarifying where you want to go and picking the tools you need to get there

There is a way to connect to your inner compass and follow your Clear North

Claim your spot on this Private Coaching Series 

break up with external motivators and lead yourself from within

Dear Magic-maker

You care deeply.

You have a rich, inner world bursting with life.

Your friends all come to you for your magic — your advice, insight, space holding and ability to see solutions and imagine a way that could be different.

All of this comes so naturally to you because you’re so good at knowing how they feel and what to say.

You can read a room as soon as you walk in, picking up on what people are saying without saying anything and it’s like you can sense what others need in that moment.

But when it comes to using these intuitive gifts for yourself, your magic goes astray and overwhelms you instead of allowing you to see clearly what next steps you want to take.

You keep seeing a million possible pathways for what you *could* do, but no clue which one is the one for you.

You’re left feeling muddled, wondering what the hell is the right path?

So you default to caring for others again: whether that is your job, your family, a loved one or clients. Because it feels far easier to give to other people (and feeling helpful is your drug of choice).

Meanwhile, you’re still not satisfied.

Because your brilliant ideas are still only daydreams, or get manifested as sputtered actions in fits of inspiration without long-term follow through. 

And that’s when you find yourself thinking if you could just have a week of uninterrupted time with no-one asking for your attention or what to do or how to do it - you’d be able to sort everything out: That’s when you’ll finally get clear on what you actually want, what steps to take next, how to tend to the seeds of ideas within you that want to blossom.

There’s a really good reason you’re struggling to see what path is right for you:

It’s because you haven’t yet learned how to use your intuitive gifts for your own benefit.

Societal conditioning tells you you can’t trust yourself.

It tells you that others know best and that your most fulfilling role is one that caretakes everyone else.

And it tells you that as long as you just follow the yellow-bricked, patriarchal, white-supremacist path of perfection you’ll be rewarded for your martyrdom.

You’ve been told this your whole life in one way or another, so when your intuition wants to get your attention you shut it down immediately, dismissing it as silly or as crazy-thinking.

But your intuition is right.

There is a better way.

One that is lit brightly from a beacon within you.

There is an inner compass that is uniquely yours, informed by your personal experience, strengths and desires.

Not by what is expected of you or how society dictates you should act.

There is a way of living designed for you in harmony with what your soul is singing for, not what you think you should be doing. 

An inner compass that allows you to move through your day creating the results you crave that also allows for taking midday naps, for reading fantasy books, for nourishing yourself and for creating with elegant simplicity.

An inner compass that doesn’t have you stressing and directing all your energy to piles of laundry or administrative tasks, that doesn’t have you distracted on your phone late into the night comparing and despairing, that doesn’t have you wide-awake at 3am heart-clenched with the weight of feeling like you have untapped potential. 

And this is the coaching series that guides you directly to your inner compass.

work with me in my

The private coaching experience where you connect to your intuition, get clarity on your desires and reclaim your energy

This is where you forge your inner compass that guides you to satisfaction

During our 3 months together, you’ll discover your Clear North so that you navigate the world by your own inner compass instead of relying on external stress, validation or deadlines to drive you.

You get to be led by your desire, your joy and your freedom instead.

Enough feeling like you’re stuck at a crossroads, this is your time to discover your Clear North and take the sparks of magic you possess and cultivate them, hone and wield in a new way.

I got clear on my hopes, desires and dreams so they became tangible, grounded, clear lamposts to guide my way, not nebulous will o' the wisps.

I felt immediately understood and safe. With her calming voice and serene vibe, Giulia has a gift for creating a cozy space where clarity bubbles up to the surface

I felt held to peer beyond my own blocks and re-frame my challenges so I could take tangible actions toward my dreams.

Giulia's coaching is 100% worth the investment

I was able to make significant mental shifts that have emboldened my confidence and direction. - Melissa Payne, Storyscout digital.

Connect to your inner compass, your joy and clarity to guide yourself by your personal Clear North

JOIN me for a private coaching experience

3 months
10 x 1:1 weekly calls 50 minutes on Zoom
with email + voxer support


The first step starts with sending your application + seeing the clarity that can come from even answering those questions

I’m Giulia, your guide.

I spent way too long tired and convinced the answers were always out there somewhere, constantly chasing someone else’s version of what my life should be like. 

I diligently studied, educated myself, got certifications and followed the corporate path for years in order to “make it”.

And as I made 6-figures, went on holiday and surrounded myself with friends I thought “what is so wrong with me, what is so fundamentally broken that I cannot enjoy the life I am living that others would kill to have?”

I doubled down on qualifications, on working hard to squash the voice inside of me that was miserable and try to focus on the good that was in my life.

But the soul is not so easily quieted.

After a cycling accident reshaped my life, I started to really be with my intuition + my magic and let it lead. This is what has created this work that I do. 

Only when I began to build my life following my inner compass + co-create with my intuition did it truly feel like I was embodying my creativity joyfully and truthfully. 

I went from constantly wondering when it was going to finally be my time to feel satisfied and purposeful, and afraid of seeming stupid or misunderstood to writing regularly, sharing my newsletter, launching my own podcast and building a business I love.

If I can go from feeling uniquely fucked and like I was doing it all “right” but still feeling lost…to passionate about the work I do, feeling sure of my gifts and knowing why I do what I do so that my days feel satisfying and congruent with my soul - I am 100% sure you can too.

That’s why I am fanatical about women taking back their energy and for the empathetic, sensitive, rebel magic-makers to realise that nothing is wrong with you - you are being summoned to a new way of living that has you satisfied, energised and in partnership with yourself.

After our 3 months together you’ll leave with these core skills to navigate your life the way you desire with your practical magic:

“The work we have done together means that I don’t consider my intuition and vision silly anymore. I see it as a real power. It’s a genuinely powerful tool that I can use any time.

A favourite thing during this work was tangibly and reliably connecting with  my intuition in our sessions, because I’ve had instances where I’ve felt tapped into my vision and my Third Eye but it has always come with a side of: “well that’s silly, you’re just making it up.” I wasn’t connecting with it as strongly as I could have because I was discounting myself and the power there. The work we have done together means that I don’t consider it silly anymore. I see it as a real power. It’s a genuinely powerful tool that I can use any time.

I now have a sense of my own worth and that it’s not tied to doing things. I have this inner core strength that allows me in all areas of my life to recognise where I need to set boundaries and show up for myself, and recognise how that is more important than showing up for everyone else - also because it’s what actually allows me to show up for others too. It’s been seriously life-changing.

Before I started working with Giulia, I felt like I was at an impasse. I knew I couldn't do anything else on my own, but it wasn't that I needed therapy anymore. And I felt that coaching with Giulia could offer me this next step in my self discovery journey. When we started working together I was really sad. I was in a place where I was frustrated to get moving, and our work together swept out all the cobwebs. The biggest impact is that I trust myself again. - Melissa Timko, Writer and Project Manager

Connect to your inner compass, your joy and clarity to guide yourself by your personal Clear North

JOIN me for a private coaching experience

3 months
10 x 1:1 weekly calls 50 minutes on Zoom
with email + voxer support


The first step starts with sending your application + seeing the clarity that can come from even answering those questions

In the course of 3 months with her, I learned to recognize what my intuition was, connect with it and now I use my intuition all the time.

Giulia is a magician-shepherdess who stands at the opening of the forest of intuition and trust that you have longed to embrace but feared to enter. When I started coaching with her, I only hoped, as you do, that I had intuition.

In the course of 3 months with her, I learned to recognise what my intuition was, connect with it and now I use my intuition all the time.

Sometimes I only truly noticed after what a profound change had happened during our session. After one of our sessions I found that I didn’t question myself anymore when I did something new, or went back on a decision. 

I was able to embrace the freedom of choosing and choosing and seeing it as a good thing. And it has shown up in so many areas of my life that I didn’t expect: like cooking even, I trust myself to make decisions and I’m a much happier person because of it.

Giulia is a wise, curious, persistent, trustworthy guide and I highly recommend her as a coach, especially if you’re someone struggling with self-worth, decision-making, and trusting yourself.

Wondering if this is the perfect fit for you?

Coaching with me is a resplendent experience to harness your own practical magic, but it’s not the best fit for every intuitive being. 

This is not for you if…

You’re into only “love and light” type of spirituality. My spirituality encompasses all of humanity with zero bypassing.

You don’t like answers that begin with “it depends” and hold paradox and nuance.

You don’t want to talk about how things feel, I am here for practical action but the feelings and watery depths of you come along for the ride.

Also give this a miss if you want a step by step guide for living your life intuitively. I’m going to give you tools and frameworks to play with and for sure guide you, but this journey is for you to make your own vision and discover how your intuition wants to lead you.

On the other hand, this coaching series was created with precisely you in mind if…

You have had enough with template, generalised advise and want to understand the mechanics of your own intuition and magic

You want to have an active part of the conversation we have and share your voice instead of being told what to do

You care about inclusivity and trauma-informed practices

You’re open to experimenting with a new approach that puts your heart and soul at the centre, and this might not look like what you’ve done before or what your mind tells you it is

You like the way I operate and think: on IG, my podcast, this website and in my emails.

Sound like the exact coaching experience your intuition was searching for?

Working with Giulia is so powerful and magic! I had amazing insights of clarity to help me focus my present path and life and felt a strong connection with my intuition.

She is like the Godfairy I always dreamt about finding someday in my life!

I felt centered in the present and got rid of mental blocks and limiting beliefs through reconnecting with my intuition and with my soul.

- Inge Serrano, Creative and Writer

Connect to your inner compass, your joy and clarity to guide yourself by your personal Clear North

JOIN me for a private coaching experience

3 months
10 x 1:1 weekly calls 50 minutes on Zoom
with email + voxer support


The first step starts with sending your application + seeing the clarity that can come from even answering those questions

I felt welcomed just as I was — and felt like I was able to embrace my unique gifts and strengths.

You do not have to act or look or be any specific way to fit in. 

Giulia will support you in connecting deeper with your intuition and takes the pressure off of the process of having to fit whatever blueprint you might have come across earlier.

. - S.M, Creative.

It’s time to connect with your own blueprint

Coaching with me is filled with wonder and delight, but it isn’t just light and fluff.

My favourite part of any fantasy novel is the training montage. 

The knowledge that a skillset is growing and the capability and power is burgeoning, but it always requires devotional practice and it makes sense.

Meeting weekly is your training montage. 

This practice is an integrative experience, and the journey is about EMBODYING the person you want to be, it is about showing yourself that you trust yourself. 

A weekly call is a declaration of self-trust and a practice in embodiment. Each time you show up you are declaring that you are worthy of this time, you are worthy of this investment, your dreams are worth making a reality. The weekly repetition is part of carving this new way of being for yourself and allowing it to remain present in your life. This is the kind of accountability that feeds into your sovereignty. 

And if you’re thinking: I’m scared I won’t follow through…I won’t have the time/the discipline etc.

This is also why we have the weekly calls: it remains a steady, present beat in your life so that it isn’t overwhelming in any way, and remains a manageable step. You committing to this programme is already you making the time, it is already stepping energetically into a different way of doing things. 

And the step to take before the training montage? Booking your free consult.

The most transformative part has been knowing that I have access to all these resources within me whenever I want, and knowing how to use them.

I chose this coaching specifically because I was at a space in my life where I wanted to actively choose myself a bit more and actively be in touch with my physical, emotional and spiritual self especially. 

The most transformative part has been knowing that I have access to all these resources within me whenever I want, and knowing how to use them.

I feel like my life has this real rich luxurious quality now, I’m rediscovering my creativity, my imagination, my younger self and my current self and I feel expansive, joyful and full. 

The really beautiful thing about it is that the more I invest in this feeling, the more I have access to it, being in touch with my creativity more means I have access to creative thinking and in other parts of my life too I have access to joy and contentment. I have feelings of loving and accepting myself both present me and little me. 

Anyone who is looking to create a life that they think is beautiful and true to them and magical for them, but find themselves getting in their own way - work with Giulia.
. - Kirsty C, Small Business Owner.

Create a life that’s true to you, and shaped by your own magic

Practical magic will be firmly within your skillset once you learn to work with your mind…and your body and soul

The mind, body and soul approach that’s at the core of our coaching is what creates practical magic and not just wishful thinking. 

This is powerfully different than simply working with your thoughts.

Many of my clients come to me after years of therapy because while shifts have been made, there has been little forward momentum. That’s why our work together is about you not just discovering your Clear North, but living from it.

Because much of mindset work ignores systemic intergenerational curses and how it affects your nervous system

It ignores the body and the very real fear your nervous system has when taking action if you’ve got underlying beliefs that you are not worthy, that you aren’t good enough and that you will be punished for speaking up. 

You cannot think your way out of this. So there is nothing wrong with you if you've been trying to think positively and realising that it is having no effect and actually just making you more anxious. 

This doesn’t mean mindset work is useless. It means it is not universally applicable. That’s fine! You don’t do bicep curls to get a good mark in a maths test. Different exercises for different things. There is 100% a time and a place for mindset work and it can be extremely effective, it just also needs to take into account the body and soul.

The body + soul piece is what opens up possibility for mystery and imagination to play a part. The piece where you connect to your inner wisdom, connect to the deep well of magic around you so that things you can’t believe yet ARE possible.

It’s the part where you foster a sense of real wonder for where you are right now. 

When you bring these three things together is when you see lasting, sustainable shifts in behaviour and thinking and being.

And that’s why this is core to our work together throughout your experience inside this private coaching series.

I always leave our sessions feeling so much more spacious and seeing so many more possibilities. Totally out of my rut!

I appreciate that I can bring anything to Giulia, no matter how stuck I feel.

She has so many ways to help-- Like a painter who chooses from a gorgeous palette of colours!

I have brought her relationship & money issues where I felt totally frozen and she led me through body movement exercises, visualisations, and asking playful, creative questions.

I always leave our sessions feeling so much more spacious and seeing so many more possibilities. Totally out of my rut! I also love that I feel totally comfy with her to cry or share what I consider my ugly side. She always responds with love & support. - Meg Gluckman, Life and Business coach

Going alone is like not taking a map. You can do it, but it’s easier to get lost.

You've done the study. You've read the books. You've taken the courses and done the journalling and yet something isn't clicking. I know because I've been there and I want you to be supported in actually taking action and integrating this learning rather than continuing to fill your knowledge bank (which I know is super fun!). I want you to make the connections faster.

Our brains dislike change and especially when they believe they're doing the right thing to keep you safe. Having a different pair of eyes and perspective on what is happening unveils so much. You are living in your stories because they are what have brought you here, so of course you don't see them clearly. This is your chance to shine a light on them and decide powerfully if you want to keep them or not.

I loved the clarity that came with each session. Giulia has a way of spotting very quickly what the issue actually is. I’ll be telling her all sorts of things and my brain will be justifying it all and I think I’m being so self-aware and then she hits the one thing that I wasn’t seeing straight away.

It always takes me out of the story immediately so that there is this opening and I can access a place I wasn’t able to access before. So I love how this work has allowed me to really embody new states: dream into it, feel into it and see it.

I remember so distinctly coming into a session really upset, with this nagging feeling in my body that I just couldn’t get rid of and after the magic we did in our session I left and I never felt that feeling again. I could be in similar situations and it just never felt the same again, I was completely free of it and that was incredible.

I recommend Giulia to anyone who feels stuck, someone who is intuitive and loves working with their inner knowing and magic and who really wants to own their life, and want to create their reality from a place of being aligned with themselves. Giulia has this magical way of really very effectively shifting people into that.

. - Ijeoma, Life Coach

Get the clarity you are searching for


  • Coaching with me involves working with your body and soul, not just your mind.

    You don’t spend time ruminating but instead this is about activating your magic. It’s an entirely new way of being and working with making changes.

  • We have 24 weeks to use 20 sessions to allow wiggle room for holidays, life-events etc. If there are any unused sessions within that time they will be forfeit. However I operate a human-first policy, and if anything comes up you can email me to discuss.

  • I only take on a small number of clients to be able to give them a fully focussed and immersive experience, therefore spaces can fill up quickly. If you are interested I do recommend getting in touch earlier so we can make sure we can find a time to work together.

  • Payment plans are available and I’d be happy to discuss the options with you.

  • I love your curiosity.You can email me at with any further questions, I’m happy to answer them.

I felt seen and held when navigating whatever was challenging at the time. I ended each session with clarity and knowing that I had reaffirmed the connection with my intuition.

I felt supported in remembering that my intuition is accessible at any time. 

It was a beautiful space to reflect on how far I have come in terms of my self-trust and be reminded that EVERY choice I make can be informed by my values and inner knowing. 

If you’re looking for gentle but powerful support in reconnecting with your intuition (and perhaps even a sprinkle of magic) reach out to Giulia.

. - Marissa M. Somatic Coach

3 Month Private Coaching Series

Connect to your inner compass, your joy and clarity to guide yourself by your personal Clear North

3 months
10 x 1:1 50 minute calls on Zoom
with email + voxer support


If you’ve ever sat there and wished someone could help you untangle the mess you feel inside, hire Giulia.

To me, she was a firefly in a dark forest, guiding me out to safety.

Do it for you. You won’t regret it.

. - Graci Kim, New York Times Best-selling Author