welcome, My dear.

You have found the gentle path for taking action on your creative dreams (without sacrificing your joy, rest + soul)

There is a way to create that fits into your life right now, not someday.

Dear overwhelmed magic-maker,

You know you want to build meaningful momentum in a creative project like starting a podcast or writing that book.

When you started off, you had so much energy, excitement and ideas (oh the ideas!).

— you bought the domain, you set up on Spotify for Podcasters, you distilled your values, mission, description, started a guest list, reached out to a few of them...and now you haven't worked on it in weeks

Once again, you feel like you've hit a block, over-scheduled yourself with work, and forgotten all about setting aside time for it.

So even though you kind of know what the next steps are…(buy the equipment and actually start recording…) You just feel paralyzed instead.

You’re deeply familiar with this experience even if it’s not specifically a podcast you want to create.

Whether it’s completing your book proposal to finally get it sent off to agents…

Or finishing your first novel

Or creating your website 

Or taking up painting 

Or writing content and sharing your voice on social media 

Or creating materials for your coaching business 

Whenever it comes time to follow through with the “doing” your brain goes into freeze mode.

You sit down to write, or record, or create…and your brain is painfully blank. 

You don’t know how to start…and before you know it your brain is giving you all the reasons to not even bother:

“Nothing I can come up with has value or worth”

“I’m not in the right energy”

“What if people reject me or don’t like it…”

But all of that fear is usually disguised beneath you’re go-to reason for putting it off:

“I don’t have the time, discipline or focus to make this happen”

It’s not your fault this doesn’t feel easy

The idea of perfectionism is sold to you from early on. 

The world is designed to make good girls. 

The kind of women who don’t make a fuss or a mess, who martyr themselves for everyone around them, who follow the rules that are made to keep them quiet, unassuming, and maintain the status quo.

That there is one way for things to happen that will guarantee success. That there is one way to do things that avoids discomfort and doubt.
That’s a pretty clever tactic to have you racing around like a headless chicken waiting for the “perfect” time and the “perfect method” to begin instead of actually creating

The truth is the only way that works is one you build: with your experience, your skill set and your courage.

And how do you allow yourself to do that when it hasn’t worked before? When everything you’ve tried so far feels like it has failed? 

By rebuilding trust with yourself and taking action once more - but in a way that actually makes sense for you.

If you’re here, it means you want to do the work in your life-time. 

You’re not here to achieve just one goal, you want to know what it is like to inhabit your life meaningfully, sustainably, spaciously and with creativity as part of it.

Not in a way that is about hustle and willpower, but in a way that aligns with your nervous system capacity, your current life circumstances and the beautiful messy reality of being human.

There is no need to be perfect, to have the ideal home, the Pinterest aesthetic planner or fundamentally shift who you are to create. 
You don’t need more time, discipline or focus -

You get to do it as you. 

And you get to start right now.


tiny trust course

The course for taking action on your creative dreams sustainably (without sacrificing your joy, rest + soul)

Created with love for the overwhelmed magic-maker wanting to begin…and keep going.

What you’ll learn

IDEas into reality

How to turn your ideas into reality through sustainable tiny trust actions

taking action

Doing without insisting on perfection


How to stay connected to creating even when your brain is constantly telling you you don’t have time


How to move through freeze mode to create

devotion > dread

How to take action without having to push through a heap of dread and rely on willpower

I was able to finally, confidently try a habit or a plan to reach my creative goals and recognize if it was or wasn't something that aligned with my life and my self. I don't have to do things any certain way to achieve my goals or express my creativity, except in a way that supports me. What a triumph!

Going through the tiny trust course, what I found revelatory was really recognizing how much it has shifted my perspective and helped me overcome a lot of sticking points that were holding me back in my creative practice and life.

There is an alchemy and magic about the tiny trust concept that feels so so doable and the way it is presented is gentle but firm, supportive and exploratory, and gave me room for growth and introspection. - Melissa Timko

I’m Giulia, your guide.

I created this Tiny Trust course because it is the most important foundational work I have done.

It is the root system to all the change I have created in my life. It is the thing I see come up again and again with the 1:1 clients I’ve worked with. 

A someone who has used Tiny Trust to go from burnt out to creatively inspired, bed-bound after a cycling accident to regular gym goer, lost + newly jobless to entrepreneur, I get how even the idea of where you want to go can feel so overwhelming that you have no idea where to start.

There is a different way of doing things that doesn’t make you shut down but actually keeps you going, and I’ve curated and experimented and made it all accessible for you in Tiny Trust.

“Tiny Trust has shown me that I can find joy in developing new skills from scratch. I have quickly learned to form a positive habit that I now enjoy. At last, I can see progress and a clear path ahead (rather than just a mountain to climb). 

What I love about Tiny Trust is that Giulia has created something really magical and personal that I've never managed to find in any previous motivational or productivity course that I've done in the past. The course almost takes the opposite approach to accountability courses where you have to keep yourself in check and may feel negativity of you let yourself down. With Tiny Trust, you learn to nurture yourself, which in turn leads to great change.

Tiny Trust has given me understanding, tools and clarity of thought. I hadn't realised just how overwhelmed I had become and after engaging with the course materials, I felt like I had developed the insight and the wisdom to allow me to take control and progress bit by bit.

The course was different because it connected with me on a spiritual level. There is a magical energy that is very difficult to put into words. I found myself listening to and reading the materials over and over until they really sunk in. I found this method much more meaningful than making notes as I usually do.

 I was really impressed with all the different elements that were included so succinctly. There was absolutely no waffle or cumbersome repetition so it allowed me to access the materials in the most efficient way possible. This allowed me to keep going back to them and engage more as there were a lot of ideas to embed in my busy brain. 

It taught me how to understand myself a little better, to be my own support network and to cut myself some slack. It all seems so obvious now but I wouldn't have got there on my own. A truly brilliant little course!” - Melanie M.

Here is what it takes to not only begin, but sustain your practice

It isn’t more time, more focus or more discipline - it is trusting that you have your own unique way of bringing something to life with the capacity you have right now.

Not with the actions I tell you to do, but rather the actions that are crafted from you, your soul and your life.

This is important. 

Because if you are not crafting it, then how do you know how to iterate? How to repeat it? How to problem-solve? How to regenerate?

You can’t unless you have lived experience of why you chose it, how it felt to enact it, how you want to change it and how you want to continue it going forward. 

In Tiny Trust you learn how to create momentum and then get to truly experience for yourself the skills and knowledge required to build your creative practice. Not throwing a dart blindfolded and hoping for the best.

It gives you a process to disconnect from needing to find “the right way”, so that you’re able to create the way that works for you and actually move forward.

This isn’t about finding one way that removes all obstacles, it’s about knowing how to skillfully navigate the waters.

“I feel softer towards myself and tasks I need to do feel doable now!

Tiny Trust is a permission slip - the guidance and tools that Tiny Trust gives you are necessary reminders for any part of your journey in a creative practice.

The toughest part of engaging in a creative practice or project is overcoming the mental hurdles (so many of which are subsconscious). 

This course gave me permission to embark on the creative journey, permission to accept the tiniest steps as deeply important, permission to troubleshoot my mindset and to have hiccups and to feel all the “wrong” ways (the first module helped so much with this!).

It all helped me feel so grounded and normal in pursuit of something new, different and creative. 

Even before jotting notes down, I could remember all the action points and love having the audio to re-listen whenever I need reminders or a refresher. It helps that Giulia’s voice is so soothing and calming too! ” - Renee H. 

The modules you’ll work through that cover all you need to know to craft and action Tiny Trust and sustain it:

And you don’t need to wade through hours of content to learn what you need to know.

Instead, Tiny Trust is made up of five potent modules that take 7-10 minutes each to listen to.

these modules are designed to be efficient and effective.

  • a workbook with the questions you can revisit over and over again, make new tiny trust actions and problem-solve any current and future ones.

Since going through the course I think about it everyday, and I remember to be gentle and do one (or all!) of the somatic exercises. Thanks to Tiny Trust I have gone back to my website which I abandoned for months. I wrote a poem, I went back into canva and redid a mini guide to give as a freebie and have been thinking of 2 more simple freebies I could create.

Now each time my inner critic comes up, I reach for a Tiny Trust exercise and it helps a lot. Tiny Trust is what I needed to take action even when shame or inner criticism comes up.  

This course is a simple, compassionate approach to getting ‘unstuck’.

It paved the way for me to be kind and patient with myself, to appreciate the magic of doing things my way rather than using “shortcuts” that in the long run took me back to square one. It gave me a solid foundation in understanding the true power of taking tiny steps in a world full of people wanting to sell instant gratification. 

I’ve been on this journey for many years now, read lots of newsletters and I’ve bought quite a few courses and this feels different.

In a world where you hear that everybody must reach a certain level of success to be happy, Tiny Trust uses compassion and small steps as a healing tool so I was able to create success for myself outside of societal expectations. I see so many other methods about business and empowerment but they feel pushy and competitive. 

Tiny Trust has been perfect for connecting to my softness, my inner child and the power of slowing down while not meaning I don’t have goals or don’t want to reach great heights, but simply gaining traction and confidence in a more sustainable way. “ - Paola Pani

How it gets delivered:

The digestible, self-led modules are delivered directly to your email so you don’t have to worry about another login to lose. You can digest it all in one go (in c.1 hour) in the PDF or through audio.

Or follow along with a weekly email as the modules will be sent to you weekly as well as a gentle reminder. 

There is a way to create that fits into your life right now, not someday

Purchase the Tiny Trust Course

The gentle path for taking action on your creative dreams sustainably (without sacrificing your joy, rest + soul). Take your first tiny trust step today.


Maybe you’re thinking I’ve used so many planners and systems before that never worked, how is this different? A great question!

This is about creating your own system that matches your life, your needs and your experience. It’s about having the tools to figure out what works for you rather than desperately pinning your hopes on each new thing you stumble across.

It’s about having a method to become more intimately aware with what your needs truly are and address them, rather than throwing a dart blindfolded and hoping it hits.

“With Tiny Trust I have started a very tiny spiritual and creative practice in the morning that I have been able to maintain. It has grounded me and made me feel safer in my calling. It doesn't feel too big to carry anymore.

Tiny Trust is a small, yet beautiful course on learning to trust yourself in small increments. 

I learned how to make tiny shifts in my day that have surprisingly helped me reach my creative goals quicker than if I tried to tackle it in massive chunks. 

I thought the course would be "bigger" ironically and so I was surprised at how such a simple concept can make such a huge difference.

I've purchased bigger, shinier courses that didn't have as much impact. I've also bought books that were more comprehensive and offered more "information" but weren't as practical. This is a very helpful, action-orientated course. I love it!”  - Michelle Meyer 

What if I don’t complete it? I’m worried this will be another thing that I pick up and never use.

Look, I can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. (Thank goodness)

You still need to decide to be in, I can’t do that bit for you. 

But I have designed this course in a way that makes it as efficient and stream-led as possible to get you creating.  I’ve distilled the most important concepts without fluff with all that you need to know to apply it and make the changes you want to make.

It is designed to be efficient, effective and repeatable. It is designed for you to dip in and out of when you need to top up on the knowledge and inspiration within.

It is why this is delivered over email so that it lands directly in your inbox, and you get an easy to reference PDF. 

And the first module covers majorly important concepts to create big shifts, so that even if it’s the only module you end up watching/reading- it will be worth it for that alone.

“I’ve bought so many courses that have overwhelming work and feel too intimidating to complete, but the fact this was c.1 hour in c.10 min modules made me actually finish it, something I haven’t done with other courses! This course is do-able and digestible, which made me feel so glad for the time investment!” - Renee H.

Get started today!

What if I don’t know what I want yet and want to get clarity on that first before I begin?

Then you can safely give this course a miss.

While I am a firm believer that taking action is what actually creates clarity, this course is most suited to if you already have an idea of what the 'what' is — a newsletter, a book proposal, a podcast, more painting, more stretching, creating content for your business etc. 

If you don't yet have clarity on what you want, where your desire and intuition is pointing you to — that's exactly what my private coaching series is all about. Click here to find out more.


  • You get access to this course for its lifetime and any future updates or content that gets delivered with it also! So any new ideas or additions I add, they’ll get delivered straight to you. An extra win!

  • Nope! You don’t need to attend any calls to get the best out of this course, it is entirely self-led and meant to accompany you as you go about your day.

  • I love your curiosity.You can email me at hello@giuliamazzola.com with any further questions, I’m happy to answer them.

There is a way to create that fits into your life right now, not someday

Purchase the Tiny Trust Course

The gentle path for taking action on your creative dreams sustainably (without sacrificing your joy, rest + soul). Take your first tiny trust step today.
