Episode 6: Jennifer Koyama on the feelings of inner winter, rediscovering creativity and transforming your identity

“…it would have been easier to believe the lie that I was a bad mother or a bad friend, instead I started to treat myself with compassion…”

This next episode of The Forest Path Podcast is with Jennifer Koyama of komorebi.koyama on Instagram, a story telling account about connection.

We talk about Jennifer’s journey to creativity involving a break up causing her to move cross country, a big career change, the transformation of motherhood and more. Jennifer shares about the grief of inner winters that can occur in our lives and how this is really making space for more of you to come through. There is so much wisdom and beauty in Jennifer’s story and her sharing, I hope you enjoy it as much I did.

As always, each guest also shares their personal advice on what to do if you are feeling lost on your own forest path.

If you enjoy listening, please share with a friend or on social media channels. I’d love for more people to be able to find the wisdom in these wonderful conversations!

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Episode 7: Talise Burton on reconnecting with the joy of creating, sustainable creation and battling perfectionism


Episode 5: Sasha Glasgow on moving from self-doubt to self-trust