Episode 7: Talise Burton on reconnecting with the joy of creating, sustainable creation and battling perfectionism


We had such a good time chatting (you will hear lots of giggles) about Talise’s journey. She shares what led to creative burnout, how she learned to reconnect with the joy of creation and how she manages to create now in a sustainable way.

This next episode of The Forest Path Podcast is with Talise Burton, writerambles on Instagram. She is a creative coach and writer helping people recover from creative burnout and live the creative life they have been dreaming of.

Talise talks about perfectionism and comparison when it comes to creativity, how she manages her inner critic and the grounding practices she uses to help her stay in the moment. I was taking notes while listening to the edit as she shares so much practical wisdom, as well as her favourite artist date.

As always, each guest also shares their personal advice on what to do if you are feeling lost on your own forest path.

If you enjoy listening, please share with a friend or on social media channels. I’d love for more people to be able to find the wisdom in these wonderful conversations!

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Episode 8: Hira Sameer Ahmed on discovery through experimentation, building resilience through failing, and art as a healing process


Episode 6: Jennifer Koyama on the feelings of inner winter, rediscovering creativity and transforming your identity